Dimitris Katsafouros shows how easy it is to get started creating complex type animation with simple setups in Cavalry.
Dimitris Katsafouros demonstrates how to get these complex-looking animations with super simple setups in Cavalry. Scene Group’s Cavalry is a procedural animation powerhouse that makes creating elaborate animations with familiar arrangements easy. If you’ve worked with the Mograph Module in Cinema 4D, you will find the workflow in Cavalry amiable.
Here, Katsafouros shows how a simple setup can achieve a bouncy-typography animation.
Download Cavalry.
Check out Cavalry and the pricing tiers. You can get Cavalry for around $16/month. You can start your journey into the future of motion design apps for free.
What better way to learn how to create generative art, character animation, and data visualizations than a great getting-started series? Visit the Scene Group to learn more about Cavalry.