Mari Extension Pack 5 R3 Adds new Warping and Manifold Nodes.
A Mari Extension Pack release is imminent, and in it, there will be some new Warping and Manifold tools. Jens Kafitz offers a bit of a preview with a look into the newly introduced Manifold Nodes, which provide new functionality such as warping, radial patterns, and more.
Manifold for Beginners.
The new nodes bring new Manifold capabilities in Mari, expanding on those that are existing.
The tutorial begins with an introduction to Manifolds and then moves into Radial Manifold and warping techniques. Kafitz also covers radio nodes and transmitters, bookmarks, gradient from image, hotboxes, and the Spotify node.
Mari Extension Pack.
Extension Pack collects scripts and tools for Mari artists with workflow-enhancing and missing toolsets that may be missing in Mari. For example, if you want to work with text in Mari, the pack offers a new type tool that is new to the pack’s 4R1 and 4R2.