How to Easily Reconnect Separated UVs in Cinema 4D

Darrin Frankovitz shows how you reconnect UVs and keep things seamless and smooth.

Cinema 4D S22 embarks on adding new features to the UV toolset, which users have wanted for a while now. There are a lot of things that S22 simplifies in a UV workflow. One of them is joining UVs together in a way where it’s nearly seamless and smooth. 

Reconnect Separated UVs With One Command.

In this new Maxon quick tip, Darrin Frankovitz (@nirrad3d) shows how to, quickly and naturally, reconnect UVs that have been separated by using the “UV Weld & Relax” command in Cinema 4D S22.

With Cinema 4D S22, subscription users get early access to crucial enhancements in UV unwrapping and editing workflow, viewport technology, and more.