Draw Groom Guides Creates Procedural Hair & Fur Guides in Maya

UnPLUG Tools’ Draw Groom Guides Tool helps to create guides procedurally for hair and fur grooms in Maya.

Grooming with guides always looks more straightforward than it can become. While creating and manipulating guides isn’t difficult, there could still be some help. A new tool from the folks at UnPlug has built a new Autodesk Maya tool that is a procedural and art-directable guides creation tool for hair and fur.

Draw Groom Guides lets you create hand-drawn art-directed groom guides directly on Hair-Fur volume meshes & procedurally align them within the volume bounds.

Get Draw Groom Guides.

Draw Groom Guides Tool works for Maya 2017 and onwards (All Platforms: Windows, Mac & Linux). Get DrawGroomGuides 1.0 here.

DrawGroomGuides Key Features include:

  • Create Hand Draw art-directed Groom guides directly on Hair-Fur Volume meshes & Procedurally Align them within the volume bounds.
  • Create Complex Groom Guides WITHIN JUST A FEW MINUTES !!
  • SAVE HOURS OF PRODUCTION TIME !! that goes into modeling & Sculpting complex Long & Short Groom guides required for any Hair Plugins.
  • Complete Root-Tip Graph-based shape custom controls for each hand-drawn guide —view guides as Tube-meshes for better Visualization.
  • Display or hide-unhide controls for guides, or guide-CVs, custom root-points & Hairtube-meshes.