Turn C4D Point-Level Animation into Bones With This New Plugin

NitroPLAToBones converts any object into bones from point-level animation.

Typically, a popular thing to do for some workflows is to bake bone animation into the points of a model, releasing it from the rig but keeping the animation. What if you wanted to go the other way, though? This new Nitro4D plugin for Cinema 4D allows you to do just that. NitroPLAtoBones can convert point-level animation in Cinema 4D to bones easily.

The plugin gets its power from Dem Bones, an effort from EA, offering an open-source library for skinning and decomposition.

NitroPLAtoBones lets you:

  • Reduce the number of bones from hundreds of an entire animation rig to the minimum needed for real-time applications.
  • Reduce the number of bones compared to baked point animation.
  • Bone animations are easier to modify and manipulate.
  • Export to any program in Unity, Unreal or other engines.

Visit Nitro4D to learn more here.