Render Brain is a Free Background Render for After Effects

VDODNA’s Render Brain can speed up renders by letting you render in the background locally or on a network.

It may become essential to render on multiple machines or even in the background while you continue to work in After Effects. A few tools allow you to do this, but Ae doesn’t have that functionality, so it’s going to cost you.

Or will it? The latest from VDODNA called Render Brain is a free local and network background renders tool for Adobe After Effects to speed up your workflow.

Render Brain uses renders from After Effects Render Queue and lets you keep working while rendering. “This way, you can speed up your Renders up to 2.5 times locally and multiply the speed of renders by the number of network machines used.”

Render Brain is easy to use and has a single network setup, and best of all, you can get it for free (for now).