Tim van Helsdingen shows how you can quickly turn devices on and off when you render with Karma XPU.
Houdini’s Karma XPU allows you to use CPU and GPU resources simultaneously. Here, Tim van Helsdingen shows how you can tell Karma XPU which devices, like GPUs, you want to use for rendering.
Tim does this through environmental variables but also made a hand HDA that will allow you to do this on the fly.
Howdini 101.
“People have been asking for me to do a Houdini beginner course, and after months of hard work… here it is, and I dub it Howdini101.” The course has a whopping 20 hours of fundamental knowledge.
The ideal course is one for beginners. Novice 3D artists can even follow along with little general 3D experience. But don’t worry, over the 20 hours, we will slowly ramp up to a more advanced level, making this a much watch even for more experienced 3D artists.