New Service Offers Stylized Walk and Run Cycles for Maya

New Service Offers Stylized Walk and Run Cycles for Maya

Here is a novel idea. New upstart Ready-Motion offers stylized, professionally key-framed walks and run cycles for Maya artists to use. The service plans to fill the niche between motion capture animation, and keying your own.

The idea is that Ready-Motion animation is created from and comes on a standard rig. When you purchase a walk or run cycle, you can retarget the animation on to your own rigs that you are working with.

stylized walk and run cycles offer greater expression and flexibility,going beyond the technical-realism that motion-capture delivers.

ready motionRetargeting is a fairly (sometimes) straight-forward way in Maya to transpose animation from one character to another. To make the process simpler, Ready-Motion offers a free Walk Cycle and Binding Script. The script creates a new HIK skeleton in the scene and constrains your rig’s controls to it.

This allows you to transfer the animation by way of Maya’s HIK control panel.Ideally, the script was developed to use with Ready-Motion’s animations, however, it can also be used to transfer motion capture animation from rig to rig.

Animated cycles can be downloaded for $25.00 each. If you want to try the system out, there are free male and female walks that you can download. Visit for more information.





  1. Louise Williams

    This looks really interesting, will give it a go

  2. Nick

    While the service is a great idea and helpful learning tool, it’s also incredibly sexist and promotes some shitty stereotypes. The “Female” walks/runs are embarassing.


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