Ways to Select Seams and Make Cuts in Rizom UV

Sam Winter Peers Into Some of the Ways That You Can Create and Work With Seams in Rizom UV.

UVing workflows in DCC’s sometimes leave a lot to be desired. It’s no wonder that people often look for third-party scripts or stand-alone tools to assist and ease that task. Applications like 3D-Coat and Rizom UV are some popular choices. Digital Meat’s Sam Winter posts another look into the UV toolset of Risom, this time showing some of the ways that you can create and work with seams and cuts.

“Rizom UV has a great selection of tools to speed up workflow when creating seams, along with an intuitive user interface,” Winter says. Formerly known as Unfold 3D, RizomUV an entirely new UV tool for 3D artists that lets you cut, flatten and pack UV’s without any, or very little user intervention.