Glyph takes a loot at using the MattePainting Toolkit for Maya demonstrating the use of Structure From Motion (SFM) used to recover camera positions from a set of photographs using Bundler. Really cool.

Using Bundler data with The Mattepainting Toolkit for Maya from Glyph on Vimeo.

“This screengrab demonstrates how Bundler can easily recreate camera positions from a set of photographs. Custom PERL scripts prepare the data for use in Maya with The Mattepainting Toolkit.”

Bundler Structure From Motion prep for The Mattepainting Toolkit from Glyph on Vimeo.

“The following screen grab demonstrates the use of Structure From Motion (SFM) to recover camera positions from a set of unordered photographs, using Bundler. The dataset is then imported into Maya using a custom script to visualize a point cloud as particles. Modeling and reprojections of the set are achieved using the Glyph Software Mattepainting Toolkit.”