Script Your Own Custom Tool Panel in Maya

Anything that you can do to have an application fit into the way that you work is worthwhile. Shaun Keenan provides a quick tip for creating a custom tool panel in Maya, so you can have all your frequently used tools at hand while working.

In this quick tip Shaun Keenan will walk you through the process of writing a script to create a custom tool window in MayaShaun Keenan –

Shaun shows how you can easily script a custom tool panel in Maya using the Maya shelf. The general idea is that if you place all the tools and commands that you use most often on a shelf in Maya, you will be able to see the MEL code that creates the shelf as it sits.

Using that MEL code plus a snippet from the Maya documentation that will generate a shelf window, you can easily build a custom tool panel in Maya in a matter of minutes.

Have a look for yourself, check out the tutorial for Scripting a Custom Tool Window in Maya here.



  1. santi


  2. Stalker


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