Nuke Keyframe Reduction Tool

Nuke Keyframe Reduction Tool

Richard Frazer shares a script he create to simplify the keyframes in a Nuke file. The Nuke Keyframe Reduction script will launch a custom panel allowing you to input a range of frames and target a threshold for reduction.


This can come in handy when you are working with imported tracked data in Nuke or anything that has been “baked”, giving you largely the curves you want, but with a keyframe on every frame.

A keyframe on every frame can be difficult to manage, while the curves of a simple animation can be created using a relatively small number of keyframes in the Curve Editor.

This is what the Keyframe Reduction tool can assist with.


Check out Richard Frazer’s post on who the Nuke Keyframe Reduction tool works, and get the script itself. Keyframe Reduction Script For Nuke.

