Griffin Animation, the home of character TD Ryan Griffin updates his multi-post article on Face Rigging for Animation in Autodesk Maya as an in depth investigation into the art of face rigging for CG animation. Part 3 talks a bit about blend shapes and muscle systems as a brief overview. Check out the new post on face rigging for animation in Autodesk Maya here.

“I said I would talk about blend shapes and muscle systems in this next post and that is what I intend to do. I do not intend to provide a tutorial on these systems. Instead I want to provide a brief overview while pointing out some of the benefits and downsides to each system. The idea behind this series of posts is to look at some of the ways we could rig a face. Once we have a clear understanding of the choices available to us, I will establish a scenario where in a face rig is needed that will provide the best results within a set of constraints. So without further ado, let’s discuss blend shapes.”