François Tarlier takes a dive into creating scripts after building a few really great Pixel Bender plugins for After Effects with a great, great, great and very handy ft-Toolbar, which will allow you to create your own custom dockable toolbar for After Effects with your own icons and such… how cool is that! Well frankly, very! Check out the page for more info on ft-Toolbar at AEscripts.

This script gives the ability to make your own custom toolbar with Effects, presets or any commands you use the most often.
Toolbar’s features :

  • Edit UI : add, delete, order, config buttons of your toolbar.
  • 5 kind of buttons:
  • EFFECT : set the name of the effect you want to use (See usage details below).
  • ANIMATION PRESET : select an animation preset file (ffx) to apply.
  • SCRIPT LAUNCHER : select an script file (.jsx or .jsxbin) to launch.
  • MENU : set the exact name of any menu item you want to call. For example : Time-Reverse Keyframes.
  • JAVASCRIPT : type any javascript that AE understands. More advanced, but you can do some crazy macro command with it.
  • OS : Any Operating System command you can run into your terminal can be set here. For example calc (on Windows) or open -a Calculator (on Mac) would start the calculator.