Another Quick tip for Cinema 4D from Yader who asks “Wouldn’t it be nice to have Falloff Gizmo/Object which drives a vertex map?” This can be done with the Mograph Xpresso node called Falloff.

The concept here is to iterate through the points of a given polygon object, use the resulting array of point positions as sample position on our falloff node and feed the falloff value into a weightmap node which has an iterator connected to. The resulting vertex map can be used for example on deformers which doesn’t have a falloff option or to use it in the displacement channel of a material.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have Falloff Gizmo/Object which drives a vertex map? As the usage of such Falloff Gizmo’s is a standard concept in c4d and used on many of the deformers, I thought about how I can get it to influence a given vertex map. There’s a mograph xpresso node called Falloff which can help you exactly with that.”