Robert Leger with a quick / not-so-quick tip for Cinema 4D where he creates a rig and animation for a carpet that has to roll out based on the idea that the geometry of the carpet can be switched out. Checkout the Cinema 4D Rolling Out Carpet Rig Tutorial here.

Robert Leger notes: “Here’s an interesting technique I recently used at a job to animate a carpet that rolls out. I forgot to mention one main advantage for using a “proxy spline” in this screencast: If I directly had used the original spline for the Sweep-Nurbs, the Sweep-Nurbs would have been bent and sheared as well and I didn’t want that.”


  1. Good stuff m8 thank you!

  2. pascal

    Hi Robert
    Thanks for the tutorial. I have also had the problem with flipping. I’m sure you still dont have the file but if you look at around 20.26 the shape still flips. It seems to happen just as the Bend Object leaves the carpet.

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