Guillaume Jobst shares a Lighting Preset Creator and Manager for Maya that will allow you to create lighting presets from all or any selected lights in your Maya scene. Lighting Preset will save out an XML file that you are able to load and share with other Maya workstations easily. The rendering parameters for the Lighting Preset script works only with MentalRay and Vray for Maya for now. The script should work on Windows, Mac and Linux, although Guillaume notes that he is unable to check all versions for mac and linux.

Check out the Lighting Preset Panel for Maya here.

“Lighting Preset” version beta 0.1, it allows you to create presets for your lighting ( All lights and rendering parameters ), save it to a .xml file, load and share easily from a UI in maya.

With Lighting Preset you are able to:

  • Save all lights or only selected lights
  • Save only rendering parameters
  • Save all presets in the same folder by default to reduce useless manipulations
  • Load a preset from an external .xml file
  • Create light objects in your scene directly from the .xml preset file
  • UI dockable or not