David Johnson over at DJX posts an update to a script he created for handling UV Layouts of PaintFX leaves in Maya. Called djPFXUVs, it something that can be used to quickly re-layout uv’s for paintFX leafs giving you the ability to create better textures for your PaintFX trees and such.

David has added a new grass edit mode to the script, support for multiple UV sets, and has added a user interface to the script as well. Check out the Downloads page on DJX for the djPFXUVs updated script.

…A while back I posted a script called djPFXUVs that could be used to quickly re-layout uv’s for paintFX leafs to help with the task of building and assigning more interesting textures. Today I thought I’d share an updated version of that script, which as you can see here, even has a UI…

Check out the post for the djPFXUV script details here.
The multiple UV sets feature allows for the option to choose a source or optional UV target set. The target can either be the original source or any existing UV set, or even a new one. This opens it up a bit as now textures for various material attributes don’t really need to be sharing the same UV set – you can use one UV set for color and another for reflectivity, giving you way more control over the end result.

The new Grass Layout Mode works a bit differently from the leaf layout mode where each shell or blade of grass is scaled to the specified blade width, then positioned randomly against the UV U axis.