At times, people who uses Maya thinks that they know a bit about Maya, listing obscure facts and techniques to co-workers or mates as bravado. Perhaps even a few of you have had drunken shouting matches with colleagues or friends, arguing who knows the most hotkeys keys in Maya… no?… well, maybe that is just me then.

Well, here Autodesk’s Lee Fraser covers some little known, little used, or long forgotten Maya shortcut keys, from starting at A and ending at Q. Lee not only Maya hotkeys but also shows them in use and provides some tips for using them, and I can’t really express enough how great this little HotKey Tutorial Series is. You will inevitably come across something you didn’t know, or used to know but have not used or forgotten while you watch.

Maya ABC HotKeys

Maya DEF HotKeys

Maya GHI HotKeys

Maya LMN HotKeys

Maya OPQ HotKeys