Trapcode and RedGiant have recently release an update to Trapcode Particular for After Effects, making Particular up to version 2.2, and unless you have been under a rock, this might be old(ish) news. There are a great many additions to this point update to Trapcode Particular, including more realistic shading for spotlights, full 3d rotation for particles, and some new particle emission features.
Particular 2.2 goes way, way beyond the basics, with realistic natural effects, lighting control for shaded particles, 3D camera integration, custom shapes, depth of field, and physics controls such as air resistance, gravity and turbulence
Certainly those are all great features, but the one feature that has everyone standing at attention is the ability for Trapcode Particular to utilize motion vectors that can control the particles in various ways.
Here, Particular’s creator demonstrates using motion vectors that were created from live footage using re:Vision FX Twixtor and using that to effect the particles emitted from motion vector directions.
RT @lesterbanks: Overview of the New Features in Trapcode Particular 2.2 including Using Motion Vectors:
RT @lesterbanks: Overview of the New Features in Trapcode Particular 2.2 including Using Motion Vectors:
RT @lesterbanks: Overview of the New Features in Trapcode Particular 2.2 including Using Motion Vectors:
Eric Mc Guire
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