We have seen some advanced previews for the newest version of Motion Boutique’s Newton 2 Physics Engine for After Effects, and have been teased with some new features, and today, Motion Boutique has officially made Newton 2 available.
Newton interprets 2D composition layers as rigid bodies interacting in a real environment
Newton 2 for After Effects most notably adds a joint system allowing you to create chains using various of joints for specific tasks such as the Distance Joint, the Pivot Joint, The Piston Joint and the Spring Joint which should all add a great wealth of functionality to Newton 2.
Newton also adds some advanced body properties with a Magnetism system that can attract and repulse objects with force, as well as adding a Fixed Rotation property, the new Convex Hull feature, and now Newton 2 will allow you to set a custom per-body gravity with the New Gravity Scale Option.
Another significant change the Newton for AE, is that Newton is now available through AEScripts.com, where you can now buy Newton 2 for $249 or upgrade for $99. Check out Newton 2 for after effects here.