Tomas Sinkunas whoj in the past has brought us the Curly Parametric Spline Generator for Cinema 4D, now brings Renomi, a plugin that will allow you to organize rendered image sequences while keeping your Object Buffer Names in tact.
Renomi is Python driven Cinema 4D plugin that helps you organize your rendered image sequences and maintain your Object Buffer names
Rendering multiple passes on animated sequences, in the end will give you many, many files all piled into one folder. Remoni offers some functionality that will place each pass sequence in its own folder, so as an example, shadow passes belong in the shadow pass folder, ambient occlusion belongs in the AO folder, etc. Renomi also will rename the files to something more semantic, rather than the nondescript object_1, object_2. Renomi offers:
- Rename rendered files to match their names in Render Settings (Object Buffer especially),
- Move each render pass to appropriate folder (Shadow images go to Shadow folder, RGBA images go to RGBA folder etc),
- Rename subfolders based on filename,
- Update Compositing Project File to match new names and file paths.
- Have bunch of files in one folder and it’s difficult to find particular pass? Use Based on Path function to organize files into separate folders.
Tomas notes that all actions are performed based on your current render settings – plugin will look for output directory for main sequence and Multi-Pass Images from Render Settings dialog box and will perform actions based on this criteria. If you have renamed Object Buffers to something like OB1-Cube, OB2-Sphere then the plugin will respect that and you will get what you expected.
Renomi is available for purchase at the price of $19.99. To find out more about Renomi Multi-pass Sequence Manager for Cinema 4D, check the page here.