Completely integrated in SideFX Houdini, OpeDVB has been sadly missing from Autodesk Maya, however, Milo Green has created openVDB Viewer Node for Maya, which will allow users to view point representation of their VDB volumes in Maya.

a basic GL plugin that provides an openVDB viewer Node for maya

OpenVDB was used and started with DreamWorks and is now an open source library for the hierarchal storage and manipulation of volumetric data structures, which ultimately allows for a dramatic increase in the scale of achievable volumetric effects.

Mile has created a GL plugin that provides an openVDB viewer Node for maya which will allow you to choose which attributes to view and provide the ability to filter attribute values.

You are also able to loaf sequences of frames that use the Houdini $F4 notation, use a region of interest to view a specific slice or region, with VDB tree visualization vector display of openVDB vec3 attributes. Check Github for Milo Green’s openVDB Viewer Maya Node here.