Visual Effects Artist Ruchit Bhatt, posts a look at his new script for Maya while will allow you to create and generate proxy meshes using the OpenVDB plugin for Maya. The script offers a panel in Maya that lets you set voxel size, iso value, adaptivity, and edge tolerance. Once all that is set, you can bake out a proxy, and load other proxy meshes for OpenVDB.
Maya python script to generate proxy mesh using VDB plugin by besha for Maya.
OpenVDB is an open source data structure library for describing high resolution volumes, originally based on VDB, which was developed by Ken Museth while at DreamWorks Animation. The toolkit offers compact storage of an infinite 3D space index, fast access, and a bunch of algorithms that can optimize the data structure you are working with.
The Proxy Generator Script uses the OpenVDB plugin for Maya and Arnold, which you can find on the Maya SOuP site. Check out the video below, which walks through installing the plugin for Maya and MtoA.