Jason Brynford-Jones provides an overview for mixing and blending materials from with in Lagoa, comparing and contrasting between the two features. Lagoa has been going strong with a barrage of recent updates, most recently updating to version 1.5.

Jason Brynford-Jones gives step-by-step instructions on how to mix and blend materials using LAGOA v1.5

It was back in April that we seen the first glimpse of what the future could be, with the release of Lagoa which allows you to create scenes, light and render 3D scenes, all within your browser and through the cloud, minimizing the clients system resources.

Lagoa version 1.5 introduced blending and mixing materials, background rendering, a Scene Embed APi allowing you to embed your entire scene in a web page, and some new selection tools to streamline working within Lagoa. To find a full list of Lagoa features, check the page here.