Auxilium Maya Lighting and Rendering Tool for Mental Ray & V-Ray

Ross Macaluso share his Maya lighting tool, Auxilium which will conveniently place all of the common and most used functions and commands in one dock-able interface panel. The Auxilium Maya Lighting and Rendering Tool supports both Mental Ray and V-Ray and is a bit intelligent about which is being used at the time.

Auxilium is a tool built for Maya that currently supports both Mental Ray and Vray

If one of the supported renderers isn’t available the other will have the features be loaded into Auxilium Maya instead. Innitially V-Ray is the default, but Auxilium Maya can still be used if V-Ray is not present. If a renderer is not present when the Auxilium Maya is started, it will automatically load the plugin before it is initialized.


If the renderer is changed, then Auxilium Maya will also change the render settings. This makes it super easy to go back and forth from Mental Ray to V-Ray. Auxilium Maya will also change the controls in its visual outliner, spreadsheet, and light creation menus. This is actually a really extensive tool for lighting and rendering in Maya.

Auxilium Maya Tabs

There is much more to Auxilium Maya than just the ability to manage and control lights easily. The tool is broken down into tabs that can give you insight and tools on your current scene and it setup.

Auxilium Maya tabs includes an outliner specifically for lights, a spreadsheet, light linker, and a Visual Outliner that incorporates all the attribute editor controls for all the lights in the scene all in one place.

Auxilium Maya Tools

Auxilium Maya offers pretty much everything you would need to create and manage anything for lighting and rendering – allowing you to create light sources for both renderers, Auxilium Maya also provides a panel for handling rendering attributes and presets.

Auxilium Maya conveniently places V-Ray geometry and texture attributes in a rollout, where you can change rounded edges, subdivision settings, and any user defined attributes for selected geometry in the scene.

Auxilium Maya is more than just your standard light editing tool, it also has quite a few unique features

  • dock-able on both left and right, or floating expandable horizontally and vertically to maximize screen space[/bulletlist_item]
  • batch light renaming
  • batch light prefix adding/changing
  • batch utility creation (file nodes, set range, gamma correct)
  • batch vray geometry shape attr adding/removing/editing
  • light creation
  • user input values for light creation are retained until UI is closed
  • visual light linking, textual light linking
  • spreadsheet for quick editing of grouped, or multiple lights
  • visual outliner that sorts lights by light-type
  • visual outliner contains light soloing, duplicating, deleting
  • visual outliner has optimized HDRI, light texture adding



Auxilium Maya is freeware, and is written in Python so it should be a multi platform tool. Auxilium works with Maya versions 2012 to 2014. You can learn more information and a download for Auxilium Maya Lighting and Rendering Tool for Mental Ray & V-Ray.