Extracting an object’s faces into individual polygons should be a little easier in C4D. There are a couple of ways to separate polygon faces, some more tedious than others. What if you wanted to separate polygon faces in C4d easily?
how to quickly separate polygon faces from an object so that you can add compositing tags and external compositing tags per individual polygon faceVic Garcia – Facade
Vic Garcia provides a quick tip that shows just how to do that. By using the Groups to Objects command, you can easily separate polygon faces for animations or further modeling. Vic extends this a step further by including that you can add compositing tags and external compositing tags per individual faces – so that you can have more control in After Effects.
Split to Separate Polygon Faces
There is a great and free tool for splitting or separate polygon faces in C4D – Perfect Split. Its creator Charles Rowland (@ragingclaw) wanted to develop a replacement for the standard Cinema 4D Split Command as it is very easy produce unexpected and unwanted results when trying to separate polygon faces from even the simplest objects. Check out perfect split for C4D here.