Adding Automated Banking Control to a C4D Wheel Rig

creativMotion’s Cole Wilson has a look at adding some more advanced features on a C4D Wheel Rig. Taking a look at how to set up a parametric align to spline using Xpresso and adding an automated banking control so the wheel can back as it turns.

a look at using logic nodes to negate the rotation of the wheel based on distance driven rotation

This is a pretty great look at using C4D Logic nodes to negate the rotation of the wheel that can be based on the C4D wheel rig’s distance driven rotation. The tutorial actually represents part two of (a previous) that was posted a long while back that explored various methods for creating a C4D wheel rig. You can revisit that tutorial here: Methods for Rotating a Wheel Using Xpresso.

In the last part, Cole offered a look behind some of the math of having a wheel rotate with proper ground contact. The tutorial also went on to show how to control the animation through C4D’s Xpresso.


Other Resources Covering Creating a C4D Wheel Rig

Safina 3D had a look at using Xpresso with Thinking Particles to automate wheel rotation in C4D with the post xPresso & Thinking Particles to Automate Wheel Rotation in Cinema 4D.

Roman Armankutsev had a great and in-depth look at rigging an entire car asset in Cinema 4D, which also included how to rig a wheel realistically with the post, Rigging a Car in Cinema 4D Using Xpresso.

Now that you know how to automate the wheel oration, you might want to take a look at modeling a detailed car tire in Cinema 4D, from tutorial author Baron Jepson.