Create Auto-Orienting Arrows in Ae with One Click Using Easy Arrows Script

Funny or strange, that most Adobe tools will allow you to add arrowheads to the end of path – all but After Effects of course. Strange… it’s strange.

With Easy Arrows you can attach an arrow to the front and end of a stroke with the click of a button

With After Effects, you are relegated to creating your own, and parenting for motion, or if the arrow and head need to orient to the direction it is moving in, things can get a little complicated.


Easy Arrows for After Effects, does exactly what the name suggests. Add Arrows to paths with a single click in After Effects.

In addition, the arrows will auto orient along your path, and automatically adjust and match the size of your stroke. What’s more, you can create your own custom arrows and use them within the Easy Arrows System.



Easy Arrows Availability and Pricing

Easy Arrows works with all versions of After Effects back down to CS3, and is available through for $34.95. If you purchase before March 13, 2015, you can pick up Easy Arrows for 30% off. Check out Easy Arrows of After Effects for more information.