InLifeThrill Design’s Dobromir Dyankov posts another installment for working with Octane Render in Cinema 4D. This time focusing on working with the Mograph Shaders in C4D along with Octane rendering.
Octane’s integration in Cinema 4D is fairly thorough, but there are a few trick to know when it comes to lighting and shading, and which are compatible to the level for production. This is why the look at Mograph Shaders is a welcome addition in the InLifeThrill series.
This tutorial actually is an extension of his look into the various Lighting Systems With Octane Render For Cinema 4D, how they are used, and compatibility with C4D features.
If you want to dive further into working shaders and lighting in Octane Render in C4D, Dobromir has a course available – Understanding Octane Renderer for Cinema 4D course. The course priced at $60.00 with 2 hours 40 min of training. – Check the page to find out more about Understanding Octane Renderer for Cinema 4D.