A while ago, Good Spirit Graphics released a version of MochaBlend for Cinema 4D. MochaBlend initially was a bridge between Imagineer Systems planar tracking system, Mocha, and Blender… which is where its name originated.
how to use MochaBlend-C4D to turn a perspective track in mocha into an object solve in C4D.
Christopher Barrett, the guy behind Good Spirit Graphics, has been planning to expand the tracking converter’s platform, developing plugins for other host applications. On the list will be Autodesk Maya, and possible 3DS Max.
If you want to see MochaBlend-C4D in action, Mr. Barrett walks through creating an object solve in Cinema 4D from a perspective track in Mocha, or Mocha Pro. Christopher shows how to track a planar surface in Mocha, for best results with the MochaBlend-C4D perspective solver. There are also some bits on how to identify common problems, when working with the solver.