After Spell Brings Spell Check to After Effects

After Spell offers great spell checking in After Effects. Anytime an application gives you the ability to input type, such as Ae’s type tool, there should also be a spell check. That really is the bottom line. I find it bazaar that something seemingly so simple is comically absent from After Effects.

After Spell gives you a modern UI to find and fix spelling mistakes in many languages

There are a couple of add-on tools that offer spell check in After effects and most recently, the release of After Spell adds another to that list. The spell checker provides a modern user interface, and the extension for Ae brings live editing of all layers in the composition all at once.

The spell check language is automatically determined based on a sample of the existing text. It will also allow you to save custom dictionary words, and supports English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and more.

Khan Inc.’s After Spell is available for Adobe After Effects (v2015.2), and is available at aescripts + aeplugins.