Holger Biebrach is the creator of the C4D Modeling Bundle that adds wealth of new and useful tools to Cinema 4D’s workflow. In fact, the add-ons really level up C4D with the tools found in other applications. Recently, Holger has posted a sneak look into some of the new features that are in store for version 2.2 which will be coming later this year.
New C4D Modeling Bundle Tools
C4D Modeling Bundle adds a new clip symmetry and convert symmetry tools that allow you to simultaneously reflect and merge polygon geometry against a reflection plane in the 3D Viewport. This will not only speed up some modeling tasks that are dependent on mirroring, but also a wide range of creative possibilities as seen in the demo.
A new Close Caps feature returns, allowing you to close and cap-off any object in C4D, while a “cool” new MODO-like color scheme and MODO-like editor material makes its debut in the C4D modeling Bundle toolset.
New Rendering Tools
Version 2.2 will add some rending tools that will bring your workflow to the next level, by adding many rendering presets for previews in the C4D viewport. While a new Zoom Camera allows you to focus on part of your scene quickly and easily, zooming into a marquee selection.
Send To Render Queue will let you easily set up a set a render time per frame, and lets you render out frames or sequences with a single click. Just add how many minutes you want per frame, and the tool will take care of render settings to match that target.
This should be integrated into the next version of C4D and not be another paid add-on. There is so much stuff that should be integrated but you only get it from buying and installing Plugins adding up the cost of the Studio version to completely unrealistic heights.