Clearly inspired by the capabilities of Ray Dynamic Color for After Effects, Lasse Clausen builds a similar workflow tool for Cinema 4D artists. Dynamic Color Palette for Cinema 4D is a tool that lets you quickly adjust and change out all the colors in your C4D scene without the hassle of doing it manually.
Lasses Clausen is a director, designer and animator based in Hamburg, who’s main focus is on art-direction and production of 2D- and 3D animation.
link all the colors in your scene to a master dynamic color palette
Just like Ray Dynamic Color, the C4D preset Dynamic Color Palette, works off of a master color palette. All the colors in the scene are linked to this master palette, offering one simple place to alter, modify or change out the colors that the scene uses.
Lasse notes that you don’t need to install a plugin, and the Dynamic Color Palette tool works with C4D versions R16-R18. The best part? It’s free. Watch the video above to see how it can be used to make your life a little easer. Then head over to cgTools and grab a copy.