Adnan Chaumette has been working away on Quick Pipe, a great little curve/edge path creation tool for Maya. The tool lets you create pipes, ropes, corrugated pipes easily. It does this with a unique selection based algorithm.
a curve-edge based path creation tool for Maya
Quick Pipe 1.5
Quick Pipe 1.5 adds a smaller and smarter UI, with the introduction of a new Open Profiler, that lets you browse and select path profiles quickly. It comes with over 60 custom profiles, and, of course, you can make your own just as easily.
There is revamped normal detection within the latest version, which should go a long way to avoid flipping when creating pipes. This is in addition to a new selection patters system for edges, faces and vertices.
The Edit Pipe feature has also been rewritten, and some new pipe parameters make their way into the update.
The compatibility list has been updated to include a range from Maya 2014 to Maya 2017 including LT. A Mac OS version is in the works and should be available soon.
The Maya script is still $8 bucks. Check the Quick Pipe page for more information.