LAUBlab KG is getting very close to releasing a demo version of V-rayforC4D 3.4 that you can use and try out before purchasing it for commercial use. The demo version will also come with some demo scenes that you can tinker with.
Stefan Laub runs LAUBlab KG which builds the bridge for V-Ray within Cinema 4D. Here he provides a nice overview, helping users get started with V-RayforC4D 3.4. The latest version uses V-Ray’s latest core that offers much faster rendering and performance, by comparatively tweaking fewer settings.
V-RayforC4D 3.4 is seamlessly integrated and optimized for both CPU and GPU work, along with its new progressive sampler and new VBAS, Variance Based Adaptive Image Sampler with improved sub-pixel filtering.
There are a host of new features that V-Ray 3.4 offers, so make sure you check out the entire list.