Good news for Blender users: TurboSquid has added Blender to its certification system. This means that you will be able to get the same quality Blender content, as the previously certified 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D and Lightwave models.
CheckMate is TurboSquid’s certification program that was started back in 2011. To be able to claim certification for your models, it first has to be inspected by the check mate certification team. CheckMate Pro models are subject a more strict inspection so they can be held to higher standards for topology and other qualities.
TurboSquid is currently in beta, working on the Blender inspection process, and will be accepting Blender submissions very soon. Plans are already in the works to provide Blender support in StemCell, TurboSquid’s solution for content probability, later this year.
Finally Blender users will be able to purchase certified models and content built with best practices in mind!