Prism was the After Effects tool that allowed you to visualize your composition based on label colors. A click of a button let you color each layer, color by hierarchy, or assign colors based on layer types.
It has been two years, but there is finally a new version for the visualization script. Prism 2 adds some new great features and additions. Prism 2 adds a new color masks button and the ability to color project items as well. Now Prism 2 will add a color swatch beside every label name.
The new version also adds the ability to skip certain criteria. You can have the tool skip locked layer masks, or skip unmatched layer masks. There is also some nice features to cycle start label colors, and set colors in character rig setups by name. The complete list of new features includes:
- Adds ‘Colour Masks’ button
- Adds ability to colour project items
- Adds colour swatches beside every label name
- Adds ‘skip locked layer/mask’ toggle
- Adds ‘skip unmatched layer/mask’ toggle
- Adds a few ‘colour by name’ native behaviors for character rigs
- Adds option to cycle start label colour
- Adds shift+click when reordering label banks to move to top/bottom
- Adds shift+click when resetting labels to set active labels to ALL
- labels
- Fixes bug with non-English AE not loading custom label colours
- Other minor bug fixes
- Stability improvements
If you own the original Prism, you can qualify for special upgrade pricing. You can upgrade from Prism 1 for free if you purchased it after April 23, 2017, otherwise it’s only $5 to upgrade.
Prsim 2 can be purchased for $14.99. There is also a trial version available. Visit aescripts + aeplugins for more information.