Tomás Poveda Shares a PythonBased Tool for Maya That Lets You Batch-Bake Maps Using xNormal
3D Technical Artist at Gameloft, Tomás Poveda has created a tool that offers a better workflow when baking maps using xNormal. The Python-based Batch Baker tool for Maya, lets you bulk make and export maps using the popular (and free) maps baking tool. This isn’t the first Normals-integrated tool for Maya. Piquet Fabrice had an exporter tool as well, that is now over 5 years old.
xNormal Batch Baker offers a nomenclature based workflow with a user interface that xNormal users will find familiar. The tool also features handy Photoshop integration.
Poveda has made the source code for the batch-baker available, “I have been trying to maintain it and updated but my free time to work on it is very limited so I’ve decided to put all its source code on my Github page if someone wants to updated it is more than welcome.” Tomas says.