Overlord Release Marks a New Era in After Effects

Overlord is the Vector Workflow That You’ve Always Imagined When Working With Apps That Were Created by the Same Company

Adam Plouff and his Battle Axe Co. recently released Overlord, an extension that can bring your workflow between Adobe After Effects and Illustrator and back. Think of Overlord as a way to use Adobe Illustrator as a drawing plugin for After Effects.

The After Effects extension give you two panels that create a live, asynchronous communication channel between Ae and Ai. This means that you never have to save to update changes. In fact, you don’t even need to work with files any longer if you don’t want to. You can transfer shapes as you make them or as you need them. With the extension, you will no longer have to import, convert, or redraw as you work.

Overlord is a set of two panels that, when both open, create a portal between Illustrator and After Effects

The new extension allows you to transfer shape layers back to illustrator to edit them with Ai’s drawing tools. From now on, you can work with shapes instead of managing files. Pretty incredible.

Overlord lets you:

  • transfer shapes from illustrator without files
  • edit ae shape layers in illustrator
  • explode shapes during transfer
  • editable text
  • parametric rectangle and ellipse
  • ray dynamic color support


Availability and Pricing

Overlord is available from Battle Axe right now, at a cost of $45.00 per license. The extension is compatible with all recent versions of After Effects and Illustrator starting at CC2014. Visit Battle Axe to learn more.