The Latest Release of Mocha Pro Simplifies the UI, Adds Some New Tools and a Whole Bunch of Speed.
Boris FX has unleashed a new version of Mocha Pro, changing how releases will be named moving forward. But that isn’t the most significant addition to the tracking rotoscoping and VFX tool. Mocha 2019 introduces UI workspaces that adds a new, lighter, and more friendly Essentials interface. The essentials workspace offers all the necessary tools you need in a simple, well laid-out interface.
Faster GPU Stuff
Mocha Pro 2019 includes new GPU support for creating object removals. The removal calculations are now GPU accelerated to deliver faster rendering. How fast? Well, that depends on your system’s GPU, but removals can be up to 500% faster. Mocha Pro 2019 can do a remove in 7 minutes versus Mocha 5’s hour and a half. That’s significant.
New Spline Tools
Other additions include new spline tools that include some primitives. No longer will you need to draw out a circle or square using multiple points. There are also some new spline tools for faster masking, and that group includes a new magnetic spline and freehand spline tool.
One Mocha
Also of note is that Mocha 2019 only has 1 version. No longer split into Mocha Pro and Mocha VR, 2019 adds all the 360 and VR tools in one product.
Visit Toolfarm to get or upgrade your copy of Mocha Pro