Check Out this Free Tilt-Shift Tool for Ae

Check Out this Free Tilt-Shift Tool for Ae

The Drawing Room posts a free tilt-shift blur tool for After Effects

Some apps like Photoshop have a Tilt-Shift Blur tool letting you get that “tiny” look to images. If you are looking for an easy and flexible way to recreate the effect on footage rather than still images, check out this home-built Tilt-Shift tool for After Effects from the Drawing Room’s Nol Honig.

“I liked the Tilt-Shift tool in Photoshop, but found it annoying for animation purposes,” Honig writes. “So I made my own quickie version of it in After Effects.” The Ae tilt-shift blur tool presents some in-view handles to define where the blur starts and stops. There are also a bunch more controls built in that let you control things like vignetting, the amount of blur or inverting the blur map.

Visit the Drawing Room to learn more about the free tilt-shift blur tool for After Effects.