TheBesha1 shows how to use the Bifrost file to VDB node in SOuP to convert to OpenVDB.
SOuP for Maya is an advanced set of generators and modifiers that extend the procedural capabilities of Maya. You can do some pretty amazing things using SOuP. For instance, a node in SOuP allows you to convert Bifrost voxel and point data from Maya to OpenVDB.
Showing off the usefulness of the node is Youtuber TheBesha1 in his latest tutorial that steps through the process and offers some use case scenarios. The tutorial runs through a couple of different examples for using the Bifrost file to VDB node in SOuP.
The SOuP project is developed and supported by Peter Shipkov, with contributions by Jeremy Raven, Maxim Kotrolev, David Schoneveld, Sergey Tsyptsyn, Ivan Turgeon, David Corral, Jack Straw, Michel Tuttle, Alex Smolenchuk.