How to Create a Trefoil Knot With Animation Nodes

BlenderDiplom covers working with Animation Nodes in Blender 2.8 to create a trefoil knot.

Doing some procedural modeling fun, Blender Diplom’s Frederik Steinmetz shares some insights into using formulas with Blender 2.8 and animation nodes. Just a heads-up though, there is some math involved here, but Steinmetz says “Don’t get intimidated by mathematical equations.” Using Maths to build 3D shapes is tricky, yet there is a simple one that you can create, and that is the trefoil knot.

When it comes to knot theory, the trefoil is as simple as they come. You can get one just by joining the loose ends of an overhanded knot.The 3D knot is the unique prime knot with three crossings. Steinmetz shows how you can replicate this knot in Blender 2.8 using Animation Nodes for some procedural modeling fun.