Classy Dog Films offers an 8k 3D scanned tree texture pack that looks pretty great.
James Candy (Classy Dog Films) spent nearly a year of his life creating 3D scanned tree textures and now has unleashed them into the world. His 8k Scanned Tree Texture Pack contains six different tree materials, each baked from high resolution and cross-polarized 3D scans. A color, normal, height, roughness and ambient occlusion map comes with each tree type.
“I’ve also included a “material catalogue”, with pages for each of the trees describing what they are, along with reference measurements and photos taken of each tree,” James says. The 6 trees currently in the pack are American Beech, Oak, Palm, Pine, Tabebuia, and Eastern White Pine. ”
I’ve also made 3 of the 6 trees available at 4k resolution for $0+. It’s my goal to provide some of the best scans in the world, and with your support, I will,” James notes.
The 8k scanned tree texture pack costs $7.99. Learn more here.