UDIM Converter Renames to a UDIM Format

Jan Jinda shares UDIM Converter, a simple system shell script for batch renaming files to a more common UDIM format.

Working with UDIMs is a freeing workflow when it comes to texture resolutions. The thing is, exports from certain applications will give you sub-standard file names, and that might be a bad thing for your workflow. For instance, Mudbox will export to a _uU_vV sequence format, whereas Mari and Zbrush use a more common format.

With this simple system shell script from Jan Jinda, you can easily and quickly batch rename texture files from _uU_vV to UDIM and vice versa. To run the shell OS commands, simply copy the script to your own preferred location. For Windows, you have to install Python 2.7.x, if you don’t have it on your system already. For macOS, you don’t need Python installation
and the same is true for Linux.

Visit the page for JJ UDIM Converter to download and learn more.