Shader Pack Lets You Use Fields and Volumes as Shaders

Kent Barber has a shader pack that lets you use Fields and Volumes to apply to texture to your models.

Two of the most loved features in Cinema 4D are Volumes and Fields. They allow users unparalleled flexibility in workflows. A new Shader Pack Plugin from Kent Barber lets you use C4D Fields and volumes to apply textures to your models. The Shader Pack Plugin is free to download for Patrons and offers a great way to apply shading.

Barber does warn that the plugin is very experimental. It’s an early alpha version and may contain bugs. Still, if you are already a Patron, the shader pack is pretty cool to mess around. Kent Barber and Plugins 4D make a wide range of tools for C4D – including Jet Fluids, the fluids plugin based on the Jet Framework developed by Doyub Kim, author of the book “Fluid Engine Development.”

Check out the Shader Pack Plugin here.