How to Create Fiber Optics With Yanobox Nodes 3

Brandon Craft looks into create fiber optics using YanoBox Nodes 3.

You don’t have to look very far to find a particle generator for After Effects. There are so many out there. Few, however, work in other hosts other than Adobe After Effects like Yanobox Nodes 3 does. In this tutorial, Brandon Craft shows how to work with Yanobox Nodes 3 to create a fiber optics effect. The tutorial happens to be in Apple Motion, but Nodes 3 is similar in all hosts.

Nodes 3 work under the FX Factory platform, making it compatible with Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Motion. Nodes 3 is well suited for today’s motion graphics work. It has a unique replicator, smart presets, and a host of generative tools to get the job done.