Dean Wright’s Day Rate Calculator page helps freelance artists determine the right day rate.
What to charge clients is something that torments many artists. There are some handy tools out there to help. These range from the yearly revised “The Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines,” which includes things like pricing guides, freelance rates, and even contract templates for most anything, to Dean Wright’s online animation pricing guide. (The Guild Handbook covers design, animation, motion graphics and more, btw.)
Calculate a Day Rate.
Now Dean has built a new pricing calculator that can help freelancers come up with a day rate that won’t leave you short. Much like the animation price guide, you fill in the categories, and the system will come up with a number for you.
Check out the Day Rate Calculator here.
“If you don’t know how much to charge for your creative skills, you’ve come to the right place. The most straight forward way is to calculate the cost of your time, plus overheads, then multiply that by how long it will take you to complete the work. This animation and design price calculator is built to give artists a starting point and get you thinking about the practicalities of putting a price on your creative services.”
About Dean Wright.
Dean is a Creative Director in video and animation working out of London. His client’s list includes names like Haas F1 Team, Sky Sports, BIC, EPSN, The New York Times, Autosport, and many more.