Follow along with Noble Kreative to learn how you can make an audio visualizer in After Effects.
I’d venture to say that you can’t be a tutorial author for After Effects and not cover building an audio visualizer of some sort. It’s likely a once widely covered topic for tutorials. A new tutorial from Noble Kreative dives into creating one of these mesmerizing audio-reactive elements in After Effects without any premium plugins.
Audio Visualizers in Multiple Forms.
Najib Khayati’s tutorial shows how you can create 3D-looking elements in various forms in After Effects. While AE has Trapcode Particular, Form, and MIR, all of which can create 3D elements and visualizers, Khayati’s tutorial builds them with only Ae native tools. Old standby’s like Fractal Noise, Card Dance, and expressions make an appearance.
About Najib Khayati.
Najib Khayati is the CEO and founder of Noble Kreative, Visual Artist, Motion Designer, Cinematographer & Photographer. You can help the tutorial efforts by becoming a patron.